In-Demand Skills for Indian Blue-Collar Workers in 2021

Introduction: What are the In-Demand Skills for Indian Blue-Collar Workers?

With the emergence of automation, there has been a shift in demand for workers with skills that are not challenged by automation. The most in-demand skills for blue collar workers are now analytical skills like IT analytics, data science, and machine learning.

India is currently the fastest growing economy in the world due to its young population and emerging market status. With all these changes happening around them, India’s blue-collar workers face many challenges as their jobs become harder to find.

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What are the In-Demand Skills for Indian Blue Collar Workers?

This is the first question that Indian companies will ask their job seekers. The answer to this question is not an easy one because the industries are changing at a rapid speed. The skills needed for Indian blue collar workers may vary depending on which industry or category they are looking for.

But, the general skill set required by blue-collar jobs may include basic computer literacy, literacy, numeracy, analytical skills (logical reasoning), interpersonal skills (ability to work with people), problem solving skills (ability to use judgment) and developing good working relationships with both co-workers and superiors.

India is the fourth most populous country in the world with nearly 1.25 billion people. It has been growing at a phenomenal rate and becoming a global superpower due to its expansive economy.

While Indians are employed in various sectors, blue-collar jobs remain a key part of the Indian economy with an estimated 3 million new openings every year. Blue collar workers are responsible for building and maintaining infrastructure, manufacturing goods for export or constructing buildings. A majority of these jobs require skills such as plumbing, electrical installation, construction materials work as well as computer programming and IT services.

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How Does India’s Blue Collar Job Market Differ From Other Countries?

The blue-collar job market in India is different from other countries because of the low level of education and skill requirement. It is also the largest employer in the country.

In 2017, India has a labor shortage of 5 million workers and it expects to add 11 million new jobs by 2022. This means that there will be a huge demand for blue-collar workers. 

India’s economy consists of both developed and developing regions, which creates more opportunities for blue collar workers than other developed countries like the US or Canada. However, education levels are still very low and the level of skill required to get these jobs is not high enough for most people.

With the rise of industrialization and globalization, the blue-collar workers in industrialized countries like India are drifting away from industrial jobs. This is because industrial jobs require a higher level of skill and education than blue collar.

The Indian market has been very slow to industrialize and industrialize jobs have been declining. This means that people who want to work as blue-collar workers in India will be competing with those who want to work as white-collar or service jobs.

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The Most Commonly Employed Skills of Employable Workers in India’s Blue Collar Market

There are many skillsets that are in demand in the current job market. While some skills are essential, others may not be necessary depending on the position that you are applying for.

The most commonly employed skill in the blue collar market is computer science. This is due to the fact that it can provide a plethora of opportunities for people looking to find jobs, especially if they have knowledge of Java, C++, Python and other programming languages.

As mentioned before, there are different types of skillsets in demand depending on what type of position one is applying for. People who want to work in the retail industry will need empathy which is defined as having understanding and insight into another person’s emotions or feelings by watching their nonverbal behavior and reading their facial expressions.

While many of these skills are technical or require a lot of experience, some other skills can be learned even while school is still ongoing. This ranges from business management to entrepreneurship to data sciences.

The employability factor helps companies assess the ability of workers with specific skill sets to do their job well and also provides them with a better idea about how much they should pay the employees.

Blue collar workers are the backbone of the Indian economy, but companies are finding it difficult to train them. One of the reasons is that education levels for blue collar workers are low and they lack the skills to match growing demand for different jobs in the future.

Employers in India have to use training methods that are affordable and relevant to today’s workforce in order to train their blue collar workforce for tomorrow’s job market.

This is why organizations use training programs that cover multiple skillsets that can be relevant in today’s market. Take, for instance, an organization focusing on housekeeping services. They provide skills like basic math, computer literacy, English language fluency, customer service skills etc.

In a recent survey, it was found that nearly 65% of blue collar jobs in the US were not well-suited for millennials. In order to meet the demand from employers, training programs for blue collar employees have been emerging.

In India too, training programs for blue collars are on the rise. Blue collars are considered important in India due to their work ethic and manual skillset. As per current trends, companies are keen on retaining them and keeping them relevant to their needs.

Blue collar industries in India are expected to grow by more than 38% over the next 10 years. This would require job creation of 11 million new jobs which might not be possible without training skillsets for this workforce.

The key is to identify their hidden skills and train them for in-demand job roles that are heavily sought after by employers like Data Scientists, AI Engineers, Blockchain Developers, etc. This process helps employees develop new skillsets that will help them enter into career paths that they previously thought were impossible.

Employers need to have a long-term vision for their organization and prioritize investments into training their blue collar workforce accordingly. Employees who have been trained in new skill sets can also offer a competitive advantage by being a resource for their company.

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Conclusion: How can these In-Demand Skills can help Indian blue collar workers stay in the long run ?

As much as the discussion of work hours and the future of India’s workforce is an important one, it is often overlooked that blue collar workers are still needed. The high demand for these skills mean that they are not just necessary but highly in demand. This can be seen through the increasing number of jobs available for these workers. 

The Indian economy is growing and the jobs in this sector are increasing too. However, there is a shortage of skilled workmen and unskilled workers are in abundance. This is creating a gap in the employment market and blue collar workers in India find it tough to stay employed in the long run. With these skillsets, they can be more productive and secure their future.Thanks for reading. For more updates visit us at Teamlease

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