8 Sure Shot Questions Asked in Every Job Interview in 2020
The first job is ultimately a dream for every fresher. But there is a small hurdle. Welcome to this process, known as THE INTERVIEW. How are you going to face this tension? Can you ace an interview without preparation?
The answer is no. You need to prepare. Without a doubt. Say no more, we’re here to help you!
Yes, this is the most common question that has been asked by Human resource personnel all over the world.
This question should be easy for you, but at the same time, pre-preparation for the same is mandatory. You are not supposed to explain what kind of person you are or speak about the scores you’ve got, as all of these have been very well described in your resume.
Therefore, make it more compact and try to bring their attention to the point. Brief them about your strengths, emphasize them with your professional strengths, and make them understand how you will be the right fit for this role.
Please be sure not to narrate your resume and do not create a boring environment.
This is the right time to talk about all your strengths. Never forget to always make your weakness correlated with your strengths.
Strength – I am hardworking and committed to my work and always a deadline-oriented person
Weakness – same because when I’m more committed to my work sometimes I forget my routine that i.e. I will be pushed to sleep late night self-served with improper meals.
This answer will push you to think complicated, but never panic. Take a pause for a couple of minutes and then start answering. Think about your ultimate aim and talk about your goals related to your current job role because hiring managers look for employees who are ready to be stable in the organization. You will have to present yourself as a candidate who is focused on learning new things.

They want to understand how well you really know about their company before applying. Recruiters do not need someone who’s applying without caring what kind of company they will be working at. Why is that?
The best way to answer this question is to do a research on the company and name some interesting facts that you have found about the company. This tells them how well you have understood about their organization and business goals. You can also name some articles that you came across on social media, news, etc.
Employers will always focus on someone who is self-motivated and committed to the job. If you already know how the company works and the role that you are applying for, this shows that you are sure about the roles and responsibilities that you will be dealing with the company and that you are very much inclined towards the role. Organizations require a candidate who is very clear in his thoughts and who is very selective in his job search.
Stress on the positive side of the organization’s business strategy, company values and their mission. It is always good to know about their competitors and how they are different from their competitors.
Things to research on
- What kind of company is that either product – based or service based?.
- Founder / CEO of the company?
- When was the company found?
- What is the tenure of the company in the market?
- Different branches of the company?
- Goal and vision of the company
- Who are their competitors?
This is the perfect opportunity for you to tell the HR/hiring manager that you are more suitable for the job role, although the applications for the job role might be more in numbers, with similar qualifications and the same background.
But we would recommend you to do some homework before you attend your interview, browse about the company and the profile that you have applied for, relate those job responsibilities with your personal traits and brief them with some real examples. This will build a good impression and a strong belief that you may fit in. Make sure all your answers are realistic; do not incline yourself with huge commitments that can never be met.
This is the easiest question because “all you have to tell is what you like to do when you are free. You can talk about the game that you frequently love to watch, it might be anything (cricket, football or badminton) or any handy video games that you play.

How much should I ask? Yes, this is a good thought. The point that you will have to realize is that you are still a fresher and you do not own any work experience, but it is always good to have a fair idea about the salary according to industry standards. You can research about this by checking sites such as Payscale.com or Glassdoor.com.
If you are a fresher, it’s best to not ask your salary but if you are experienced, you are entitled to know about the salary they might be giving you because you need to make sure that you are getting better pay than the last company you worked for.
Always feel free to ask questions. Never say you do not have any questions for them. Asking questions will let the interviewer know that you are well prepared and how keen you are on this job.
A couple of questions that you can ask are –
- What will be the next step for the interview process?
- What are the key skills I can work on to be a better one for this position?
- Can you describe the company’s culture?
- What kind of growth can I expect if I am to be working here for the next 5 years?
However, dealing with interviews facing them and answering all those questions will be certainly challenging. It is always better to know the most common questions and to work on them before you attend your interview. Happy hunting!